
Archive for the ‘Kindness’ Category

Kindness can be interchanged with the word love due to its similar quality of a desire to do good to others.

Genuine kindness offers repairative qualities to relationships and can be a healing salve to someone who is hurting.

It can eliminate distance and draw one closer to deepening a relationship. It’s power can penetrate our emotional defenses. 

When authentically given, doing acts of kindness discipline our human potential for selfishness and align us with the ‘Golden Rule.’

Making a daily goal to do at least one random act of kindness to a fellow human being can add purpose to our life.

Have you ever noticed that when you do a random act of kindness, not only does the recipient smile, but you also tend to smile inside because of the impact your kindness had.

Sometimes, something as simple as just listening to someone, without judgment or giving someone a compliment is kind enough. Kindness does not have to cost you any money, just your willingness to benefit someone else.

Sometimes the littlest things can mean the most to someone, such as visiting someone who is lonely, or telling someone who is depressed, that you care about them.

When I think about the acts of kindness others have shown me that left the biggest smile, they were of the caring nature, such as a phone call saying, ‘I was thinking about you and just wanted to know how you were doing.”

What act of kindness has someone done for you that left you appreciative?

What act of kindness have you shown someone else, that made a difference to them?

After reading this article pay attention to the nudge you get to do kindness to a certain person and commit to following through with doing that. See what happens. I’m smiling are you?

written by Elisabeth Davies, MC


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