
Archive for August, 2010

Often times we relapse into unwanted behaviors or destructive habits because our physical, emotional or spiritual needs are not being met.

 The physical, emotional and  spiritual parts of us are all inter-connected and communicate with one another,  to allow full operation of our human functioning.

Our physical parts include everything that pertains to our body. Our emotional parts include our thoughts and feelings that make up our state of consciousness. Our spiritual part  is our breath of life which is supported by the source of all living sustenance.

The most basic of our physical needs is  food, water, exercise and sleep to maintain proper functioning  of our body. The foods we eat affect our moods and energy levels.  Certain amino acids can  produce or decrease production of emotional neurotransmitters such as dopamine, epinephrine and serotonin, which enhance our mood. Protein helps maintain our energy by balancing our blood sugar levels so our energy does not fluctuate from energetic to tired throughout the day. *

Our bodies are always responding to what we put into them, how we treat them and the environments we expose them to. If taking good care of ourselves physically is not a priority to us, we are more likely to overeat and relapse into choices that can cause  physical damage to our body. More than 127 million Americans are obese ( more than 30 lbs over weight) from compulsive overeating, making food addiction the # 1 addiction in the United States. Obesity can lead to other physical diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis and sleep apnea. **

Exercise also impacts our emotions.  Researchers at Duke University  found that 60% of the participants who exercised for 30 minutes three times a week overcame their depression without using antidepressant medication. *** Exercise offers many benefits to the physical and emotional parts of our being. To read about more benefits of exercise, go to www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/benefits-of-exercise.

Motivating ourselves  to take good care of our physical body, starts with valuing and appreciating  all that our body does for us, which allows us a fulfilling physical experience on this planet.

One way to begin valuing our body, is to give it loving messages. This makes us conscious  of making healthy choices that can benefit it, rather than relapsing into choices that are physically damaging.

Some loving Body messages include:

  • I love my body because it allows me to see new and memorable things.
  • I love my body because it allows me to move and get from place to place.
  • I love my body because it can touch and sense new experiences.
  • I love my body because it can enjoy delicious foods.
  • I love my body because it can communicate verbally and physically with others.

Having our emotional needs met is just as important in not relapsing into unwanted behaviors and habits. The most basic of our emotional needs, is the need to love and be loved and the need to belong and have a sense of purpose in life. **** To be emotionally healthy we also need to feel safe in our environment. We need to feel supported, valued, treated fairly, accepted, competent, in control, helpful,and not confused about who we are. For an extensive list of human emotional needs go to www.eqi.org/needs.htm.

 Emotions that are toxic and damaging to our being are;

  1. Anger/vengeance
  2. Envy/jealousy
  3. Greed/self-indulgence
  4. Judgment/segregation
  5. Unforgiveness/blame

 The majority of us do not get our emotional needs met growing up, due to being raised in a dysfunctional home. More than 72% of American homes harbor someone with an addiction, and according to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in four Americans suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. ***** Due to these high levels of emotional dysfunction, when we become adults, most of us are having to learn from scratch how to become emotionally healthy. A common mistake many of us make, is that we depend on others to meet our emotional needs and make us feel loved, secure, accepted, competent and good enough. This unhealthy dependency often leaves us disappointed and  getting  the same poor results we got from childhood. Making it our responsibility to manage our thoughts and  moods, is key to  emotionally healthy living.

Relapsing with substances or destructive habits such as gambling, pornography, internet, food, shopping/spending, unfulfilling relationships etc often becomes our desperate attempt to seek something outside of ourselves to balance our negative emotions and feel better.

Ways to manage our thoughts and moods include;

  1. Making a daily gratitude list, to increase contented thinking.
  2. Listing 10 things we like about ourself every day, to increase self-esteem and a positive mood.
  3. Being an observer of other people’s words and actions, rather than an absorber. Not personalizing what others say and do helps balance our emotions.
  4. Breathing out all negativity from our being, each nite before going to sleep to help rebalance our emotional state from daily negativity. For more tips on emotionally healthy living go to www.brightalternatives.com

Having our spiritual needs met lessens our chance of relapse into unwanted habits and self-destructive choices as well. These needs include; inner peace, a sense of purpose and meaning, connection to unconditional love, a sense of  power to create, freedom to choose, truth, wisdom, knowledge, faith and communion with our creator.

 Not believing that we are unconditionally loved and worthy can block us from allowing spirits energy to fully express through us. 

Ways to expand  and grow spirituality in our being include:

  1. Daily prayer and meditation with our creator
  2. Breathing in unconditional love to our whole being each day
  3. Daily reading of spiritual truths
  4. Pursuing peace and harmony in all our relationships
  5. Doing acts of kindness and goodness each day
  6. Practicing self-discipline and moderation with self-gratifying  habits and behaviors that distract  us from being purposeful to others. These can include; alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography/immoral sexual acts, unnecessary spending/buying, hours of internet surfing, video games, television etc.

The pleasures of this world war against our soul.

Our desire to self-gratify, pushes aside our spirits desire to help others as its goal.

The physical and the spiritual each wanting to fulfil its purpose and desire.

The emotional turmoil only subsides when these two agree,

it is not about me that I am put on this earth, it is for thee.

Live healthy (=


* http://www.essortment.com/family/mindbodyfooda_svda.htm

** http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/depression-and-exercise/MH00043

***http:/ /www.anonymousone.com/faq195.htm

**** http://marriage.about.com/od/marriagetoolbox/qt/emotionalneeds.htm.

***** www.theonion.com/articles/dysfunctional-family-statistically-average,4699/

written by: Elisabeth Davies, MC


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